Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ready to meet the boys

Yesterday we arrived in Kemerovo city in the Kemerovo region. It was nice to know we would not have to get on another plane for a few days. During our travel we lost a day with the time changes, and this has caused us to feel really worn out. On the flights it was difficult to sleep as well as we were pretty cramped. I felt really bad for Chad as his legs were cramped into a small space. I was able to sleep a little more than him.
After leaving the airport in Kemerovo we wanted nothing more than a hot shower and a bed to fall into and sleep. Our coordinator Anna informed us she was taking us to a cafe and then to the Department of Education building where we would officially receive our referrals. Anna reviewed the basic information for us about the boys as we would possibly be asked a few questions by the administrator at the DOE. I was surprised to see that the boys are the same height and differed by one kilogram in weight. I guess that will make buying clothes easy as they will be the same size! We did see that the boys had a physical last month and that there was some different information about the older boy which we are hoping to get answers about today. The visit to the DOE went pretty smoothly; we could tell our coordinator had made excellent connections with different people which allowed us smooth sailing.
We then headed out of Kemerovo to Novokuznetsk and another three hour ride. The roads are quite bumpy and I got a little car sick; luckily no vomiting occurred. We arrived to our hotel at 2:00 in the afternoon yesterday (Wednesday). After exchaning some of our cash for rubles, we paid our hotel bill. Our room reminds me of a dorm due to its size and two twin beds against the wall. I guess our trip isn't going to be a second honeymoon after all. That's okay; we were so excited sleep is the only thing we had in mind.
The couple we are traveling with is from Virginia and are very nice. We have quite a bit in common and the wife is quite a talker. I know, I have no room to talk in that area. I think we will get along quite well. I need to go for now, but will end with a thank you for all of the positive thinking and prayers. Please continue to think of us as we have a big day today meeting the boys and learning as much as we can about them to help us make our decision about what our next stop should be. I hope to share more information with you all this evening.

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