Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Have visas will travel

FINALLY... we are going to Siberia. I have to tell the story of how we found out about our trip. On Martin Luther King, Jr. day (January 17th) I met my friend Angi and her daughter for brunch at Spudos in Galesburg. I asked her about questions she felt were important to ask our orphanage director about the boys. As we wound up our brunch, she stated she felt I would hear something about our travel dates on the 18th. Lo and behold, on Tuesday January 18th I received "the call" from Anna at Adoption Ark. We had been invited to travel from the Department of Education in Russia to travel on February 7th! I was sitting in my office at WIU and quickly told my co-workers about our exciting news. After talking to Chad, my mind raced to all of the preparations that needed to be made within the next few days. I read through the information Anna from the agency had emailed that detailed our trip. I found a travel agency recommended by the agency and the other adoptive parents from my message boards. I spoke with Victor about our airfare and was relieved when he assured me everything would be fine. After a few kinks, we acquired our airfare for the "cheap" price of $1600 per person round trip to Kemerovo, Russia. We also had to acquire visas in order to travel to Russia as Americans are required to complete. Those cost us a little over $800. I try not to think about the costs involved as the end result is very well worth it.
I had an interesting experience this week that I would like to share. I was speaking to someone I had not met before. She was in her early 20s and had heard about our adoption. She then told me about her adoption story. She had been adopted by her single mom from another country. She told me what things her mother had done that helped her embrace her native culture and feel "comfortable in her own skin" as she looked very different than her family. It was an amazing experience to hear first hand what things had made an impact in her life as an international adoptee. As she told me her story, I noted the pride in her voice. It is people like this young lady that will help me answer when people ask me "why Russia"?
We will leave for Kemerovo Monday, February 7th out of Peoria and return Sunday, February 13th. I will post updates on the blog here for everyone to hear about our process. I will post pictures of Chad and I on our journey as well! Bon voyage! Or, in Russian da sveeyi danya (goodbye)!

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